Officially, the U.S. government has no proof that sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena are the result of alien activity. Apparently, though, the definitely-probably-not-aliens have been observed operating unidentified submerged objects in our oceans, Fox News reports. They fly, too, but when they want, they just disappear beneath the waves without a trace.
Retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet is sounding the alarm on UFOs that can disappear into the water without a splash and without leaving any wreckage behind. According to Gallaudet, these USOs are an “‘urgent’ national security concern with ‘world-changing. scientific ramifications.” And he claims to have proof, too, sharing a video of an unidentified object recorded by the USS Omaha back in 2019.
The video has reportedly been verified by the Pentagon and shows an object flying around the ship before dropping into the water and disappearing. According to Gallaudet, this object’s capability “jeopardizes U.S. maritime security, which is already weakened by our relative ignorance about the global ocean.” In a March 2024 report, he also wrote, “The fact that unidentified objects with unexplainable characteristics are entering US water space and the DOD is not raising a giant red flag is a sign that the government is not sharing all it knows about all-domain anomalous phenomena.”
It’s entirely possible that this object and others like it are simply advanced aircraft operated by the Chinese military or another hostile foreign government. If you ask Gallaudet, though, he believes the technology is too advanced to be human. “Pilots, credible observers and calibrated military instrumentation have recorded objects accelerating at rates and crossing the air–sea interface in ways not possible for anything made by humans,” he wrote.
So that’s comforting. Either some other country has ships that seemingly defy the laws of physics and are so much more advanced than anything we’ve seen, or there are aliens among us. And while these objects remain largely unstudied, come on. You know it’s aliens.