Recently, in a tweet, a user alleged that the on-road price of the bike stands at Rs 3,38,598, which is higher than the ex-showroom price of Rs 2.33 lakh and created a big controversy among Bajaj’s potential customers across the country.
In response to the controversy, Bajaj-Triumph has issued an official statement, “At Bajaj Auto Ltd., we are committed to our customers and follow the highest standards of transparency, including pricing. We would urge all our customers and media to ignore the rumours doing the rounds across various public and social media platforms related to the on-road pricing of the new Triumph Speed 400. The company has not released any on-road price guidelines, and the same would be in line with its other products and industry norms. This will be issued by 10th July.”
“Speed 400 has been launched at ex-showroom price, Delhi at INR 2.23 lacs for the first 10,000 customers post which it will move to its regular price at INR 2.33 lacs ex-showroom. State-specific ex-showroom and on-road pricing will be released closer to delivery,” added the official statement from Bajaj-Triumph.
The new bike has been jointly developed by Bajaj Auto and the legendary British motorcycle brand Triumph.