Riyaz Hussein was impaired when he crashed into another vehicle on Hwy. 401 in Pickering on Jan. 13, 2022
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The Toronto Police Association is urging Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw to hold disgraced senior officer Riyaz Hussein to a higher standard than other officers given his rank.
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Hussein, who used to head up the service’s disciplinary unit, was recently demoted to inspector from superintendent after appearing before a police tribunal and pleading guilty to impaired driving in a case that involved him crashing into another vehicle on Hwy. 401 in Pickering on Jan. 13, 2022.
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Now, Hussein is poised to take on the role of acting superintendent, according to the TPA.
“We are asking you to rescind this ‘acting’ opportunity immediately and ensure that Insp. Hussein serves his sentence in its entirety without benefit,” TPA Vice President Brian Callanan wrote in a letter to the Chief dated July 20.
“It is our expectation that the disciplinary process be applied fairly in every case,” he wrote. “The service has taken the position that the higher the rank, the higher the standard one should be held to. We could not agree more.”
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Hussein pleaded guilty to one count of discreditable conduct and the demotion was to last 12 months.
“While we believe his penalty was not commensurate with his rank, he was demoted to the rank of Inspector for one year,” wrote Callanan.
“This penalty should be served fully and completely,” he wrote. “Instead, now-Inspector Hussein is scheduled to take on the role of acting Superintendent of his Division. This, even temporary, promotion, is absurd and certainly would never been an option for a member of the TPA under similar circumstances.”
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