A tight and burning sensation in your chest can cause much alarm, suggesting a significant health issue, or perhaps less concerningly, alerting you to the need to reduce your intake of fatty foods. If this is something you regularly experience, there are three key warnings signs that your heartburn may be signaling a more severe condition.
Heartburn occurs when stomach acid surges into your oesophagus, often following the consumption of particular food types, and fundamentally, it should not give you immediate health anxiety. Nevertheless, this condition also overlaps disconcertingly with many other critical medical conditions like angina or coronary failure.
Chest pains and a burning feeling can denote a plethora of ailments, from chronic acid reflux (GERD) right through to angina and serious heart complications. However, if you’re reading this and suffering from ongoing chest pain worrying it could be heartburn, it would be prudent to dial 999 straight away and have a healthcare professional examine you.
The NHS guidelines for heart disease explains: “The symptoms of a heart attack can also be similar to indigestion. For example, they may include a feeling of heaviness in your chest, a stomach ache or heartburn.”
“A heart attack can happen at any time, including while you’re resting. If heart pains last longer than 15 minutes, it may be the start of a heart attack.”, reports Gloucestershire Live.
However, if this discomfort subsides, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should reach for the antacids. Persistent bouts of these symptoms could indicate chronic acid reflux, which can inflict serious damage to your stomach and throat, or even angina – an early warning sign of a potential heart attack or heart failure.
The Mayo Clinic has identified three signs that the burning sensation in your chest is more than just heartburn:
Pressure, tightness, and a squeezing sensation in your chest
Even if this “squeezing” feeling of tightness in your chest subsides, it’s crucial to seek medical attention as it could be indicative of angina – a condition that arises when your heart isn’t receiving enough oxygen, or a precursor to a heart attack. Angina can be managed with blood thinners, cholesterol medication, or lifestyle modifications.
Both heart attacks and angina can cause pain to radiate to other parts of your body, most commonly your jaw or back, as your nerves respond to the intense pain of either condition. This is unlikely with heartburn.
A characteristic sign of angina is that the discomfort usually originates behind your breastbone, although sometimes it may be difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the pain.
A sour taste in your mouth
One of the lesser-known symptoms of heartburn is that it can induce a specific taste in your mouth, which is less common with angina or heart attacks.
If you lie down and experience heartburn due to stomach muscle spasms, the resultant acid can mix with saliva in your throat. This occurrence, often overlooked amidst the sudden chest burn, is a clue suggesting a gut problem rather than a heart issue.
The watery blend of stomach acid referred to as “water brash” is a substantial red flag that your discomfort does not relate to your heart. Dealing with water brash consistently could however replicate similar indications.
Those with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may endure water brash and non-cardiac chest discomfort, signalling chronic reflux issues.
Shortness of Breath
Experiencing shortness of breath coupled with chest pain should prompt an immediate call to 999, as this regular symptom combination signifies severe heart problems. Your lungs exert extra effort to supply oxygen to a heart lacking it.
Heart attacks in both genders mainly show symptoms of chest pain and this issue can stem from numerous heart conditions; it is rarely associated with heartburn.
Shortness of breath, even whilst resting indicates critical heart complications.
The Mayo Clinic warns: “Heartburn, angina and heart attack may feel very much alike. Even experienced doctors can’t always tell the difference from your medical history and a physical exam. That’s why, if you go to the emergency room because of chest pain, you’ll immediately have tests to rule out a heart attack.”