We may like to joke that trucks with Punisher, Moron Labe and Three-Percenter stickers are just advertising that there are free guns inside, but you’re not actually supposed to break in and steal them. Theft of a firearm is a great way to get in serious trouble, something one Charlotte-area tow truck driver is finding out the hard way. Again.
WSOC reports that Charlotte-Mecklenburg police arrested Automobile Recovery and Parking Enforcement owner David Satterfield on Sunday. He has been charged with stealing two guns, as well as other items, from towed vehicles. But this isn’t the first time he’s been charged with stealing guns. Satterfield was also arrested back in 2021 for doing the exact same thing. His trial for the first set of charges reportedly starts in December.
Sheritte Corbin, one of Satterfield’s alleged victims, spoke with WSOC TV, saying that after retrieving her towed car, “I immediately checked my purse and I checked for my weapon. My purse was there, my wallet was there, but my weapon was gone.” Corbin claimed she filed a police report after Satterfield said he didn’t know what happened to her gun.
Two years later, the gun was still missing, and it didn’t look like there was much hope of it ever being found. But recently, Charlotte police did find her gun and let her know that they’d arrested Satterfield. His charges include larceny of a firearm, breaking or entering a motor vehicle, felony larceny and possession of a firearm by a felon.
Satterfield hasn’t just been accused of stealing guns, either. Back in 2020 when his towing company was known as Charlotte A1 Solutions, the state attorney general sued it over price gouging, claiming he was “improperly towing trucks” and then charging owners as much as $4,000 to get their vehicles back. He’s also been in and out of prison over the last 40 years for similar crimes.
In his defense, Satterfield told WSOC TV that it’s actually his employees who have been stealing the guns.