One small change to routine can boost risk of heart attack, says study
A groundbreaking new study has suggested that making one change to the way we live could increase our chances of having a heart attack. While there has been a common …
A groundbreaking new study has suggested that making one change to the way we live could increase our chances of having a heart attack. While there has been a common …
Sleeping at irregular hours could lead to heart attacks and strokes, warn scientists. Researchers claim that even if we manage eight hours of sleep a night, falling asleep at inconsistent …
Over half of UK adults are unknowingly living with a silent but potentially lethal condition. According to the latest data from Public Health England 59% of adults have raised cholesterol …
Brits have been warned that two popular breakfast ingredients often seen in a traditional fry-up could be dangerous if you have high cholesterol. Having high cholesterol means you have too …
Scientists have warned that a common ingredient found in many popular drinks could put you at an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. According to a new study an …
A widely prescribed painkiller, diclofenac, has been linked to a 50 percent increased risk of heart attack or stroke even at low doses, alarming new research suggests. The study also …
Just one simple activity you cna do three times a week could make a “significant improvement” to your health by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attack …
If you’re plagued by throat issues, it could put you at a higher risk of suffering a potentially fatal “heart attack or stroke in the future,” according to fresh research. …
Drinking four or more cups of coffee a day, or two energy drinks, can raise the risk of a heart attack or stroke, warns a new study. Researchers found that …
Eating a lot of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) such as sugary cereals, ready meals and fizzy drinks has been linked to poor mental health and a greater risk of dying from …