Women Buy More Cars, So Why Are the Designs So Macho?
Building design elements into cars that make sense for dogs and kids and groceries isn’t sexist, or buying into a stereotype—it’s a nod to the invisible labor women do every …
Building design elements into cars that make sense for dogs and kids and groceries isn’t sexist, or buying into a stereotype—it’s a nod to the invisible labor women do every …
With the Nintendo Switch successor expected to launch in 2024, more rumours have started to emerge about the next Nintendo console. According to a patent filed by Nintendo in 2022, …
Suzuki has officially unveiled the latest Swift concept at the Japan Mobility Show 2023 in Tokyo, putting an end to all the speculation about the new hatchback’s design. As per …
Moore’s pace remains relentless because the stakes are so high; she sees suffering around her and knows that not enough has been done about it. Of the 10 colleagues of …