And well-deserved! What’s been your favorite reaction—or meme, because you’re viral right now—so far?
When I finally did get my phone back, my girlfriend sent me one of the memes that said, “Steven Nedoroscik is a sleeper agent. He sits there with his eyes closed,” and it’s me visualizing my routine as I’m sitting there waiting. And then it says, “Then he takes his glasses off and he’s Superman,” and it’s another picture of me standing by the horse, getting ready to do my set. I just thought it was hilarious.
Are you a consumer of meme culture? Are you super online?
I’m totally online all the time. I am 100% one of those guys that, after a long day, will sit on the couch and doom-scroll on TikTok.
We were impressed by how relaxed you seemed—almost zoned out—while waiting to go. How did you do that? How were you so zen?
First off, I’ve been a specialist for eight years, and I’ve had so many different approaches to competitions. It’s all trial and error, but I like to say that dealing with your nerves is a muscle you have to exercise. Especially this year, with how much I’ve competed, I feel I’ve been put into an environment in which I’ve been nervous so many times that I finally found that zen state that I can reach.
When I’m sitting there before doing my horse routine, I’m zoning everything out, and in my head, all I’m focusing on is controlling my breathing, getting my heart rate down, and visualizing my routine. One thing that helps me psychologically: I’ve been told many times that being nervous is the same thing as being excited. In my head, I’m reframing whatever fears I may have. If I’m scared I’m going to fall, instead, I’ll convert that to thinking, I’m excited to represent my country.
It’s the small things that, psychologically, really help you. I’m not sure that many people notice this, but, I give a quick smile as I salute the judges before I start my routine, and once again, that’s just another psychological thing that I’ve heard in the past: If you’re upset, scared, or worried, you force yourself to smile. Because you’re firing those muscles, you will be happier.