The Metal Gear Solid Master Collection recently launched to a mixed reception on consoles and PC. Some fans accused Konami of doing the bare minimum with the ports, especially on PC and Nintendo Switch. Fortunately, Konami has released a big new update covering all of the Master Collection releases, including Metal Gear Solid, Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater, not to mention the bonus games available as part of the full package.
The update will be particularly welcomed by Nintendo Switch users, as Konami fixes a couple of nagging issues.
This includes a fix for a problem with Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. As you can see from the patch notes below, Konami has fixed an issue that caused the frame rate to drop during certain scenes.
Likewise, Konami has fixed a stuttering issue within certain cutscenes of the Nintendo Switch version of Metal Gear Solid 3.
Speaking of Snake Eater, Konami has also solved audio issues, as well as a problem with some buttons being assigned multiple functions.
You can check out the full list of Metal Gear Solid Master Collection patch notes below…
METAL GEAR SOLID – Master Collection Version
Added save functionality improvements (Steam)
Updated the Online Manual (Steam)
Fixed some other minor issues
METAL GEAR SOLID 2: Sons of Liberty – Master Collection Version
An issue where a “Damaged File” error is sometimes displayed when trying to load save data (Steam)
Fixed an issue that caused the frame rate to drop during certain scenes (Nintendo Switch)
Fixed an issue where videos would stop playing (Xbox Series X|S)
Fixed an issue affecting users who purchased the game in Japan where the English opening video would play even in the Japanese version of the game (Xbox Series X|S & Steam)
Updated the Online Manual (Steam)
Fixed some other minor issues
METAL GEAR SOLID 3: Snake Eater – Master Collection Version
Fixed an issue where some buttons were assigned multiple functions
Fixed an issue where the audio was out of sync with certain videos
Fixed an issue that caused flickering in some cutscenes (Nintendo Switch)
Fixed an issue where continually holding down certain buttons sometimes resulted in errors occurring (PlayStation®4)
Updated the Online Manual
Fixed some other minor issues
Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake – Master Collection Version
Updated the Online Manual (Steam)
Fixed some minor issues
Updated the Online Manual (Steam)
Fixed some minor issues