“With freedom, flowers, books, and the moon, who could not be perfectly happy?” our dear friend, the inestimable playwright and poet Oscar Wilde, wrote in 1897. He penned these words while unjustly incarcerated in Reading Gaol—his crime, it could be argued, was attempting to live a 21st century life, the life of a proud gay man, a century before his time.
As ever, Oscar has a point: In our current predicament, with so many of our freedoms on the line, do we not seek the consolation of books and the reassuring presence of the moon, stuck up there in the sky no matter what hijinks are taking place down here on earth? And then of course, there is the wonderful compensation of flowers—after all, isn’t every special day inevitably celebrated with a bouquet?
Still, those living blossoms, no matter how lovingly tendered, will sadly wither and die, casting their fragile petals down on your workstation and heading, all too soon, to the dust bin. Which is why the flowers we have in mind, rendered in everything from jaunty enamel to the rarest—and most expensive!—gemstones, will never let you down this way!
They will glitter and dance in the spring sunshine, but they will also retain their power to cheer you up and look beautiful on the nastiest winter day, bringing a literal ray of hope to your fingers, your throat, your wrist, your little earlobes—no matter what the future may hold.
Below, some of our favorite bejeweled blossoms: