There’s an awful lot of unexplained shit in the sky, and we deserve some answers. Hundreds of reports have been filed about people seeing stuff flying around that they can’t explain, including Navy pilots, governors, and even former U.S. Presidents. For decades the government has hidden information about these unidentified aerial phenomena, including covering up the infamous 1947 Roswell, New Mexico incident for nearly fifty years. It wasn’t a weather balloon, it was a primitive Cold War nuclear monitoring system, code named Project Mogul. So it’s no wonder that people don’t trust official channels to tell the truth about flying saucers.
This weekend on HBO’s Last Week Tonght, comedian and presenter John Oliver delved deep into the world of unidentified flying objects, and the people who have seen and studied them. It’s a fun and entertaining look at how the government has been lying for decades, and why we probably shouldn’t trust them now, mixed with a bit of optimism for the future of UFO study.
Is it possible that some of these reports of things zipping around the upper atmosphere are night vision artifacts, water droplets, or weather balloons? Yeah, almost anything is possible. Is it also possible that our government or others are testing futuristic aerial craft and don’t want anyone to know about it? Yes, that is also a possibility. But what if some of these things are actually visitors from other planets, or maybe the unexplored depths of our own oceans? What then, federal government, if we aren’t prepared for any eventuality, we could fall victim to our own hubris. The truth is out there.
Does Hugh Jackman come from space? Without transparency and scientific study, we may never actually know.