A reader asks: I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes a couple of years ago and, up until recently, was managing my blood sugar level by being careful with my diet.
The routine blood tests I had done last autumn showed that my cholesterol level was a bit high, so my doctor prescribed me atorvastatin.
I had a follow-up blood test recently and although my cholesterol level had come down, my HbA1c had gone up. I’ve now been advised to take metformin tablets. Is this because of the statin and, if so, should I stop taking it?
Dr Rosemary Leonard responds: There is some evidence that statins can increase blood sugar levels in around one in 10 people who take them. This is thought to be because they can increase insulin resistance, decreasing the ability of insulin to help move glucose from the bloodstream into cells where it can be used for energy.
This means that some people taking statins are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and those already diagnosed with diabetes may find they need to start or increase the medication they use to adequately control their blood sugar levels.
Both diabetes and a raised cholesterol level can increase the risk of fatty deposits developing inside the walls of arteries, increasing the risk of having a heart attack and a stroke.
Because of this, it is especially important for diabetics to avoid having a raised cholesterol level. The ideal total cholesterol level for diabetics is under 4.00 mmol/l, with an LDL (often called ‘bad’ cholesterol) below 2.0mmol/l.
This is lower than the target level for others without diabetes (which is 5.0 and 3.0 respectively).
It is very difficult to get your cholesterol level this low by diet alone. Although it might sound tempting to stop the statin and metformin in order to try to control your diabetes, in terms of your long-term health you are better to keep taking the statin to keep your cholesterol low, and the metformin to help control your blood sugar levels.
If you have a health question for Dr Leonard, email her in confidence at [email protected]. She regrets she cannot enter into personal correspondence or reply to everyone