Brain fog can be maddening, especially when you’re trying to focus on something important. The phenomenon is characterised by forgetfulness, confusion, slow reactions and a dip in concentration and it can be caused by a number of things.
Tiredness, hunger and staring at a screen for too long can all cause clouded thinking and leave you reaching for a word or a phrase that you just can’t put your finger on, despite knowing what you want to say. Poor nutrition can also lead to issues with cognitive function, especially if your diet is missing vital nutrients like B vitamins, lutein and Omega-3.
Some studies also show that gut issues can cause problems with cognition. This is because of the direct link between your gut microbiome and the neurotransmitters that control the hormones influencing your mood and focus. The gut-brain axis is a powerful gateway that can be affected by infections,
Menopause is also one of the leading causes of brain fog and according to the British Menopause Society 40 per cent of menopausal women reported memory and concentration issues. However, other studies have put those experiencing the symptoms in the range of 60 per cent.
I occassionally struggle with brain fog and it leaves me feeling unsettled. Mainly because I rely on quick decision making and having the right word up my sleeve in any given situation as part of my job. When I draw a mental blank it’s disarming and although I know exactly what I want to say, the words just won’t come to me. A few weeks ago I forgot the word “courgette” and was baffled that I couldn’t recall it.
Usually it’s down to tiredness and too much screen time, but I do worry about the overall health of my brain as I age and head towards perimenopause. So to combat these incidental symptoms I decided to try supplements for brain health.