Even though this time of year is associated with being merry and bright and festivals of light, unspoken beauty tradition usually means making darker choices. Spent the summer highlighted? A rich, chocolate-brown hair color makes for a classic fall and winter look. Gave into the glazed-donut nail trend while it was warm out? This time of year has always meant a switch to vampy nail colors. But, once again, Selena Gomez is showing us that she couldn’t care less what time of year it is — this time with her manicure.
I say “once again” because, in case you missed it over the weekend, the multi-hyphenate revealed that she’s traded in her dark brown hair for a stunning highlighted look that framed her face in golden-blonde pieces — something many people do before summer, not winter. And it seems her nails are following suit.
Gomez’s favorite nail artist, Tom Bachik, posted a gorgeous close-up to his Instagram grid showing his latest work on the entertainer and entrepreneur. In the photo, although we don’t see Gomez’s face, we can see she’s wearing silver bracelets atop a white, long-sleeve top. And her manicure is a perfect match for those sleeves: a perfect, simple shade of true white.
She’s currently wearing her nails on the shorter side — pretty normal for her lately when you look back on her recent no-makeup-makeup nails — with an ever-so-slightly rounded tip. It’s a perfect canvas for an unexpectedly light color this time of year.
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