Twitter boss Elon Musk on Monday posted a photo of the company’s headquarters adorned in the new logo – X. The unveiling comes shortly after he announced in a tweet that the social media company will change its logo soon. “If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make go live worldwide tomorrow,” Mr Musk tweeted on Saturday. Roughly six months after he acquired Twitter for $44 billion, he merged the company into an entity called X Corp, saying Twitter is an accelerant to building an everything-app called X.
Our headquarters tonight
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 24, 2023
The photo of Twitter headquarters with the new logo was also posted by Linda Yaccarino, who took over as the company’s CEO more than a month ago.
Mr Musk has also changed the display picture on his profile to the X logo. The photo was the way of the world’s richest man to announce that “X is live”.
“He was actually serious. Now I see why rich people buy already established companies instead of starting a new one,” commented one user.
“Congrats, Elon. I’ll miss the bird, but I guess this is a big step toward something you’ve been wanting to create for a long time. Hope all the pieces fall into place & it goes just as you envision,” said another user.
Since Mr Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion last October, the platform’s advertising business has partially collapsed as marketers soured on mass firings at the company, as well as on his management style.
In response, the billionaire SpaceX boss has moved toward introducing payments and commerce through the platform in a search for new revenue.
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