Back in May, Oni Press announced Soggy Landing, a new fantasy graphic novel due out in August. The graphic novel from co-writers Alec & Andrew McGovern and artist Ian Densford follows what the publisher describes as a “perma-stoned wizard bear” as she attempts to retake her homeland from unwelcome invaders. This past week the publisher released a preview of the book, which introduces the world and characters of the story.
Here’s how Oni Press describes the book:
Not very long ago, Soggy Landing was an island paradise. Now, it’s a brutal settler city ruled by a group of wealthy, cultists called “The 13” who are immune to a leafy plague ransacking their community. As a battle between the haves and the have-nots comes to a head, a free-spirited wizard bear named Otso and her friend, Slipper, join The Broken Wheel in an uprising against colonial forces controlling the magical island they love. A hallucinatory journey to the center of the island leads them to a series of discoveries more jarring than the last in this magical fantasy adventure that explores a post-global war community pitted against thieving barons and diabolical cults.
Soggy Landing began as a serialized webcomic on the Study Group Comics website. The series debuted in 2019, and has continued releasing pages sporadically since, with its most recent release back in May.
In a statement accompanying the new preview, The Brothers McGovern and Denford described what sets Soggy Landing apart from other stoner fantasies, and why Oni Press was the right home for it:
“Soggy Landing isn’t for kids, it’s for cool kids and I hope tons of kids read this book and have to hide it from their stupid parents,” said co-author Alec McGovern. “We’re super stoked to work with Oni Press, a publisher with a spine. Soggy Landing is the tip of the iceberg. We’re excited to explore our wilder, raunchier and more violent fantasies next.”
“Soggy Landing is a silly book, and there should be more silly books. Without them, we’re doomed,” added co-author Andrew McGovern.
“We wanted to create a story of resistance in a fantasy setting where we could lampoon these contemporary robber barons, stick a finger in the eye of the powerful and selfish, and try to kill them,” said artist Ian Densford.
Check out the preview beloe. Soggy Landing is due out in bookstores on August 1st, and in comic shops on August 2nd.