BusinessPally allude Rules for SEO Article Writing

Even in 2022, many do not know how to write really good SEO articles that are not only loved by search engines, but also by users and thus make a decisive contribution to achieving corporate goals.

So how do you go about ranking at the top for individual search terms and how important are keywords really?

It doesn’t matter whether you want to write your SEO articles yourself or have them written by experienced experts, we will support you as best as we can.

In case you want to try it yourself, businesspally allude the golden rules that we’ll share with you in this blog post on how to write modern and well-functioning SEO article, and promote your site.

SEO articles – Myth or Fact

Before we start, we would like to dispel a myth: there are no pure SEO articles, according to businesspally magazine.

Of course, the goal is to rank with the articles on search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing in order to reach as many users as possible and generate more website traffic.

But ultimately, it is the users who want to buy the potential products or find out more online.

Therefore, the following applies: Always write your texts for your readers and not for the respective search engine, chaktty advised.

By that, we don’t mean that your texts shouldn’t be optimized, but that you include your keywords in your SEO articles in a meaningful way, businesspally boss affirmed.

Would you like to have your SEO articles written professionally? No problem!

Techpally llo a certified SEO agency, and can help you to get to the top rankings on Google with beautifully written articles.

What are SEO Articles?

It is talked about every day in the online marketing world, but what exactly is SEO article?

We are talking about SEO articles when texts have been optimized for the search engine.

Although the keyword density or the H-structure play an important role for the search engine, the focus should always be on the added value for the reader – and this is exactly where the art lies!

Metadata, ALT tags and Links

Writing a good SEO article does not only include writing, but also maintaining the metadata, says Techpally experts.

The metadata, i.e. title tag, meta description and alt tag, are not directly visible to the user, but are read by the search engines and used for the search result:

  1. Meta title and meta description

The title is displayed in the snippets of the search results and is one of the most important Google ranking factors.

For this reason, the focus keyword should be included at the beginning if possible.

Caution: The title must not exceed a length of approx. 55 characters or 512 pixels, otherwise it will be “cut off” in the search result.

The meta description is located directly under the title. Here, 155 characters are the measure of all things.

With the Serp Snippet Generator you can roughly guess what the finished snippet will look like and whether it is the optimal length.

In the meta description, there should be a short teaser in short, concise sentences as to what the content of the text is about.

It is particularly effective when a call-to-action in the sense of “buy now!” is built in.

Depending on the search query of the user, the snippet can be adjusted by Google, so don’t be surprised if the Google results show something different than what is stored in the CMS.

If you do your job well, however, the various search queries should be covered and you will get many users to your website with a click-attractive snippet.

The title tag and meta description of the SEO text should be as unique as possible and can be provided with some special characters as eye-catchers.

With the Google Chrome extension SEO META in 1Click you can check the metadata of a page

  1. Alt tags

Alt tags are descriptions that are stored with images and graphics and describe the respective motif or main feature of the image.

This is necessary if images cannot be loaded automatically.

In addition, it serves as a guide for Google as to what can be seen in the image.

As text-based software, Google can only “read” the images using the alt tags, which is why it is advisable to include the main keyword in at least one alt tag, Techpally.

Links to other domains can also be set in exceptional cases.

But you should keep in mind that the users will then leave your website and may not come back.

  1. Links and anchor texts

Ideally, the text module that is used to link your own text to other pages and content is also descriptive.

The link text or anchor text should contain a concise, meaningful choice of words.

Typical mistake: “The instructions for building a shelf can be found here” – it would be better to link the words “instructions for building a shelf”.

In principle, internal links, i.e. links within the website, should always be set if the topic is appropriate.

This can be product pages or other blog posts. Internal links are extremely important to Google.

They help the search engine crawler to navigate through the website and to understand the structure and thematic connections.

If a page is linked particularly frequently, Google recognizes a higher relevance here.

Links to other domains can also be set in exceptional cases.

But you should keep in mind that the users will then leave your website and may not come back.

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