The three-in-one trading account combines a savings account, a demat account, and a trading account into a single integrated solution. In this case, the clients would have their funds in their bank account, earning interest on the cash balances.
The direction came after the Sebi board approved a proposal in this regard in its board meeting in late September.
“In addition to the current mode of trading, the Qualified Stock Brokers shall provide either the facility of trading supported by the blocked amount in the secondary market (cash segment), using UPI block mechanism or the 3-in-1 Trading Account facility, to their clients,” Sebi said in a circular.
Clients of the QSBs will have the option to either continue with the existing facility of trading by transferring funds to a trading member or opt for either of these facilities.
Trading members (TM) are classified as QSBs based on factors like the size and scale of their operations, including the number of active clients, the total assets held by clients with the TM, the end-of-day margin of all clients, and the trading volume of the TM. The move, aimed at significant potential benefits to investors, will come into effect from February 1, 2025.
In the UPI block mechanism, clients can trade in the secondary market based on blocked funds in their bank accounts instead of transferring the funds upfront to the trading member.