Seems like everyone’s on the move

Seems like everyone’s on the move


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The numbers don’t lie. The demand for tech talent is higher than ever.

“Openings for software developers and engineers are in highest demand… employers are looking for IT support specialists, IT project managers, network engineers and architects, and systems engineers and architects. Openings for positions in emerging technologies or roles requiring some level of emerging tech skills are cited in 32% of all core IT job postings.”

Were you one of the thousands of people to start a new gig this year?

— Andrea, Contributor


Image via @it.humor.and.memes

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The Biggest Challenges MSPs Face In 2022
From finding and hiring talent to product differentiation. Take a look at the top challenges facing MSPs today via CRN.

Channel partners prepare data analytics managed services
“Customers may not fully understand AI and machine learning technology yet, but channel partners have been building their expertise to make the use cases a reality for clients.” TechTarget

The Key to Channel Growth: Working with Vendors to Create New Services
Ever wonder how vendors attract channel partners and motivate them to sell their products? Read Channel Insider’s perspective.

93% of Organizations Have Network Vulnerabilities: Here’s How to Beat the Odds
… and in 71% of these cases, attackers would be able to impact a business to an “unacceptable” degree. Eek!

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  • Diving Deep into Artificial Intelligence – Part 2: The Applications
  • Diving Deep into Artificial Intelligence – Part 1: AI Gets Real
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Diving Deep into Artificial Intelligence – Part 2: The Applications

Diving Deep into Artificial Intelligence – Part 2: The Applications

This is the second installment in a 3-part series on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The first installment provides an overview of the current technology. Read Part 1 here. This article discusses many different applications (good and bad) for AI. Stay tuned for part 3!I…

Diving Deep into Artificial Intelligence – Part 1: AI Gets Real

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This is the first installment in a 3-part series on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This installment provides an overview of the current technology. The next article discusses many different applications (good and bad) for AI. Read Part 2 here.You have all heard of AI….

How are supply chains impacting your business?

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“… if the past two-and-half years have proven anything, it’s that solution providers are flexible, agile, and ready to revamp their business models if need be, to better serve their customers.” Here’s what a few solution providers had to say about how year-long…

The post Seems like everyone’s on the move first appeared on ChannelBytes.


Read original article here

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